Pepper Spray can be an excellent choice for Personal Self Defense
Pepper spray, also known as OC (oleoresin capsicum) or oleoresin capsicum, is an aerosol spray that contains the chemical capsaicin. It is used as a self defense weapon by law enforcement agencies and civilians alike. The pepper spray is usually sprayed into the eyes, nose, mouth, or even onto clothing or skin to temporarily blind […]
Do You Really Know How to Protect Yourself? Discover the Power of Self Defense Key Chains!
A Brutus Self Defense Key Chain is a small metal or plastic object that is designed to be worn around your neck and used as a weapon if you find yourself in an attack situation. The object can be anything from a small knife to a pepper spray canister. It’s basically a small piece of […]
#SafeAndSound: How Stun Guns Can Be Your Ultimate Defense Tool in Today’s Uncertain World
A stun gun is a small device that delivers a high voltage electric shock to the body. It can be used for personal self defense, or as a weapon to control an animal or person. They are designed to incapacitate by causing temporary muscle paralysis. A typical stun gun will deliver anywhere from 1 to […]